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Blog Improvement Project Week 2: Brainstorming Ideas

This is the second week of the Blog Improvement Project. This week’s task is to brainstorm ideas, and then use them to create a new regular feature for our site.

I was trying to think of something new to do when I stumbled upon a link to this site. (Thanks Books and Movies!) In which you have to guess a book’s Amazon rating by it’s cover. This has inspired me to create a weekly bookish quiz for my blog.

I’m not sure how successful it will be, but I’ll give it a try!

In honour of my inspiration for this task, my first quiz will be “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!!”

I’m off to look for a multiple choice quiz widget to use. Does anyone know where I can find one?


Q & A – Vikas Swarup

Books Before Blogging Review

This week there has been lots of publicity for the release of the film Slumdog Millionaire here in the UK. The book is based on the novel Q & A by Vikas Swarup, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to let you know that it is well worth reading.

I picked this book up in a charity book shop about a year ago. I started reading the first page, to see if it would be my sort of thing, and it gripped me so much that I barely put it down until I’d finished it.

The story is based around eighteen-year-old Ram Mohammad Thomas, who is arrested after winning the Indian version of ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionare’. The show’s producers are convinced that a boy from the slums could not have answered all twelve questions correctly without cheating in some way. Each chapter in the book explains the extraordinary reasons why Ram knew the answers to a diverse range of questions.

Many of the situations described were very unbelievable, and seemed to have been constructed around a fact that seemed to have been picked at random, rather than writing a realistic plot around more general questions. This didn’t really matter though, as the ending makes up for it!

It is a real page turner, with a great central character. Ram’s view of the world is touching and funny:

We especially like watching the films on Sunday.These films are about a fantasy world. A world in which kids have mothers and fathers, and birthdays. A world in which they live in huge houses, drive in huge cars and get huge presents. We saw this fantasy world, but we never got carried away by it.

It’s a nice, easy read, filled with the sights and sounds of India.


Also reviewed by Just Add Books

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Has anyone read ‘Maps for Lost Lovers’?

Has anyone read Maps for Lost Lovers by Nadeem Aslam? I’m about a third of the way through it and am finding it very hard going. I am thinking about giving up on it. If someone has read it, then I’d love to know whether it is worth finishing. Does it get better? If someone can convince me to read the rest, then I will, but for now it’s going back on the shelf!

I don’t mind slow books, as long as they appear to be going somewhere. It seemed to be OK for a while in the beginning, but now it just seems to be getting bogged down in the details of their lives. It’s also coming across as quite racist. There are so many characters (I know it’s a common criticism of mine – I can’t help having a brain unable to cope with lots of different people!) I don’t feel empathy for any of them, and keep getting them all mixed up in my head.

If it was a shorter book, then I’d probably go ahead and read it, but it is going to be a large investment of quality reading time, so I need to make sure it isn’t wasted!

Please help me to decide whether or not to continue! Thank you!

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Weekly Geeks is back!

Starting this Saturday, January 10th, Dewey’s Weekly Geeks will resume at a new website, So come check out the new site, grab a button, mark your calendars, add us to your feed reader and get prepared to join the fun!

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Award! Premio Dardos

I received this amazing award from Beth Fish Reads. Her blog is great, and one of the few I visit every day. If I was allowed to, then I’d give the award back to her too.

I’m thrilled to receive it, as I have never had an award before! I almost feel like I belong in the blogging community now, and it has given me more energy to continue blogging away through 2009. Thank you Beth Fish!!!

This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day.

The rules to follow are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Unfortunately I have been very bad at visiting people’s blogs regulalry (something I’m trying to address in 2009, partly as a result of the Blog Improvement Project) I have tended to jump from one blog to the next, reading loads of posts, but not returning to the same ones, except in a few cases. So I don’t feel I can award this to 15 different people.

The few blogs that have come to my attention, as great places that I return to again and again are:

An Adventure in Reading



Fleur Fisher Reads


So many precious books, so little time

The Magic Lasso

Thoughts of Joy

I’d like to thank the above bloggers for inspiring me to add a varied selection of new books to my reading pile – I’ll be back to read more posts very soon!!!

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Can anyone recommend a happy/uplifting book for me to read?

I have had a run of books full of tragedy and death, and looking at the books on the top of my reading pile it looks like I have more to come. Can anyone recommend something that won’t be added to my list of depressing books read in 2009?

Thanks in advance!