Bookish Links
Man Gone Down by Michael Thomas won the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. I have never heard of this book, and it doesn’t really appeal to me. Has anyone read it?
Unfortunately this advert was created for April Fools Day, but I’m sure we are in no need for it, as we all have enough old books lying round the house to smell while we’re reading!
I found this interesting post about the seven types of customers in a book store. I think I can hold my hands up to being all of them at some point – including the idiot!! I tend to be a seeker though, by TBR pile is too high for aimless browing at the moment! Which type are you?
Kim at Sophisticated Dorkiness wrote a great post on non-readers. I can feel her annoyance oozing through the words!
I am honoured to have received two awards this week. Carrie from Books and Movies gave me the Literary Blogger Award, and Louise from Lous_Pages gave me the Lemonade Award.
Thank you so much! The awards have brightened my day!