As part of the Blog Improvement Project I have now signed up to Twitter! I’ve been thinking about joining for a while, but wasn’t sure whether I wanted to or not. My main concern is that I will become addicted to it, and waste lots of time using it. I’m also unsure about how to deal with book related news and more personal updates. For the time being I’m going to stick with it being a twitter account for my book news, as I’m not sure any of my ‘real life’ friends are signed up to twitter anyway!
I joined a few days ago, and think I have grasped the basics, so I’d love to have a few more friends on there. If you’d like to follow me on Twitter then my username is farmlanebooks. Hopefully I’ll add a few Twitter widgets to my sidebar in the next few days.
I look forward to twittering with you soon!
6 replies on “I’ve joined Twitter!”
I know that Twitter is pretty big with the bloggers, but none of my friends have anything to do with it. Most of my real life group is just getting into Facebook. I have refrained from Twitter, if only to control the amount of time I am in the digital world. My husband is on the verge of an explosion sometimes, with the amount of time I am on here! I try to isolate it to early mornings, late evenings and a dash in/dash out during the days!
Sandy – I know what you mean! I have avoided it until now, and will try to limit my time on it, but I have found the first few days very interesting.
YAY!!!!!!! NOw that I’m back I’ll be looking for you on Twitter. It’s so much fun.
I actually found your blog today via twitter – a tweet about your BAFAB giveaway. So I am now following you on twitter.
Alyce – I’m so pleased that Twitter is working for me – it really is a great tool for finding interesting subjects on the internet. Thank you for visiting my blog!
It’s so hard to balance everything, something I’ve been failing at lately. Somedays I don’t get on Twitter at all, but it is fun when I have the time. I’m @tanabata2000 over there.