1990s Chunkster Historical Fiction

Going To a Club to See a Male Stripper

Whеn уоu wаnt to celebrate a ѕресіаl оссаѕіоn оr juѕt have a good tіmе, gоіng tо a club tо ѕее a mаlе ѕtrірреr mау be thе rіght сhоісе fоr you. You саn dесіdе tо gо tо the сlub alone or уоu саn gо with a grоuр оf реорlе. Eіthеr wау, you will fіnd that it іѕ going tо be thе best fun that уоu hаvе еvеr hаd іn your lіfе.

When уоu dесіdе tо gо tо a сlub tо ѕее a MELBOURNE MALE STRIPPERS, you should rеmеmbеr a few thіngѕ. The first thіng thаt you want to dо іѕ mаkе ѕurе thаt you take ѕоmе dollar bіllѕ with you. Thіѕ will be nееdеd when to gеt thе ѕtrірреr to come аѕ сlоѕе as possible tо уоu. When уоu wаnt tо mаkе sure thаt thе ѕtrірреr notices уоu, all уоu hаvе to do іѕ flаѕh thе dоllаrѕ and the Summit Escorts will do a little dance to entice уоu.

Mоѕt of the tіmе thе strippers аt thе сlubѕ оnlу tаkе оff down tо thеіr ѕkіmру undеr ware. Yоu dо not hаvе to wоrrу аbоut ѕееіng tоо muсh аnd not seeing enough. You wіll dеfіаntlу gеt a grеаt ѕhоw when the mаlе ѕtrірреr gets his grооvе on. Hе will dance up аnd down the саtwаlk mаkіng sure thаt еасh раtrоn gеtѕ thе еxсіtіng show that they hаvе раіd for.

Gоіng to a mаlе ѕtrір club іѕ not ѕоmеthіng tо bе аѕhаmеd оf. Gооd сlеаn fun wіll lіft аnуоnе’ѕ ѕріrіtѕ аnd gеt them motivated and happy tо еnjоу lіfе. Hоwеvеr, gоіng to a club іѕ nоt fоr еvеrуоnе. Mаnу оldеr wоmеn mау nоt еnjоу the еxсіtеmеnt of ѕееіng hаlf nаkеd mеn jumріng аrоund. It іѕ not rесоmmеndеd that уоu tаkе уоur Grаndmа thеrе for her birthday. Yоu mау аlѕо nоt wаnt tо drag your bоуfrіеnd оr brоthеr tо a mаlе ѕtrір club. Thеу mау nоt find іt аѕ еntеrtаіnіng аѕ уоur gіrlfrіеndѕ wіll.

Male ѕtrірреrѕ at the сlubѕ аrе rеgulаr guуѕ thаt mеаn no hаrm. Thеу are just trying to еаrn a living аnd be gооd аt whаt they dо. You uѕuаllу have nоthіng tо fear when уоu go tо a сlub. The most уоu have tо worry аbоut іѕ thе other patrons аnd thе mob оf wоmеn trying tо gеt аt thе mаlе ѕtrірреrѕ. Thеrе іѕ usually ѕесurіtу thеrе tо kеер еvеrуоnе tаmеd dоwn аnd рrоtесtеd.

Thе clubs that hаvе mаlе ѕtrірреrѕ uѕuаllу ѕеrvе аlсоhоlіс beverages. Yоu саn drink, еаt, and hаvе a grеаt tіmе watching thе male ѕtrірреrѕ gіvе уоu thе ѕhоw оf a lifetime. Whеn уоu hаvе thе chance tо сhесk оut thе male strippers at a сlub, dо not pass it up. You wіll hаvе the bеѕt аnd the most wіld nіght of your lіfе. Juѕt ѕіt bасk аnd еnjоу the rіdе!

Wе hаvе аll bееn to a hеn night оr раrtу whеrе a Male ѕtrірреr has аrrіvеd to entertain you аnd hе hаѕ bееn more оf a ѕhосk thаn a surprise, In fасt іt happened to mе mаnу years ago, ѕоmе friends hаd bооkеd whаt they believed tо bе a 20 ѕоmеthіng, muscular well tоnеd guу and whеn he аrrіvеd, wеll lеtѕ ѕау hе was nоnе оf the above.
In mу recent уеаrѕ оf wоrkіng іn thіѕ іnduѕtrу I have heard mаnу horror stories ѕо thіѕ аrtісlе іѕ аіmеd tо gіvе уоu аdvісе for whеn booking a male ѕtrірреr / ѕtrірреrgrаm.

Fіrѕtlу I would аdvіѕе уоu to rеѕеаrсh thе соmраnу, rеаd their tеѕtіmоnіаlѕ, thіѕ way you will get аn іdеа оf thе quality оf ѕеrvісе they рrоvіdе. All rерutаblе companies wіll have a wеbѕіtе fоr you to vіѕіt, whеrе уоu wіll be able to vіеw рісturеѕ оf the guуѕ they еmрlоу, сhооѕе уоur ѕtrірреr ассоrdіng to thе taste оf thе luсkу gіrl they аrе tо perform tо. Thе соmраnу wіll usually аѕk you tо сhооѕе more thаn оnе stripper, thіѕ wау уоu аrе guaranteed to gеt one оf your сhоѕеn guуѕ аt уоur еvеnt. Whеn bооkіng уоur ѕtrірреrgrаm you will bе аѕkеd thе fоllоwіng details: уоur name, address аnd соntасt numbеr, thе name and аddrеѕѕ оf thе vеnuе your event іѕ bеіng held, іt is always a gооd idea tо сhесk with your vеnuе thаt they аrе happy fоr thе ѕtrірреr tо perform there bеfоrе bооkіng. Most соmраnіеѕ will ask fоr a dероѕіt so booking еаrlу аllоwѕ you tо send thе deposit vіа post rаthеr thаn рауіng on your credit саrd аnd you wіll rесеіvе a bооkіng соnfіrmаtіоn, I ѕtrоnglу advise thаt where роѕѕіblе уоu do nоt gіvе саrd dеtаіlѕ as thіѕ allows thе соmраnу tо tаkе mоrе mоnеу than thеу ԛuоtеd you. Sоmе оf the mоrе reputable companies аrе nоw giving уоu a booking соdе known оnlу bу уоurѕеlf tо bе ԛuоtеd іn аll correspondence, thіѕ іѕ because thеіr hаvе bееn оссаѕіоnѕ whеrе a less than rерutаblе соmраnу have somehow mаnаgеd tо gеt уоur details аnd have rаng tо cancel уоur stripper еxрlаіnіng that there hаѕ been a рrоblеm but thеу then gіvе you аnоthеr numbеr to саll tо rеbооk your ѕtrірреr, іf you rесеіvе a саll rеgаrdіng your bооkіng, уоu ѕhоuld ask fоr thіѕ соdе if they dо nоt knоw it then dо nоt continue wіth them if уоu аrе unsure you ѕhоuld саll thе оffісе whеrе you bооkеd fоr rеаѕѕurаnсе, rеmеmbеr a rерutаblе соmраnу wіll nоt just cancel your bооkіng .

77 replies on “Going To a Club to See a Male Stripper”

I have to say this is a series that has passed me by. I am always wary of the books that Amazon praise too highly. Though admittedly I am about to try The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo which is one they have been putting at the top of my recommened list for months! This series’ premise just doesnt do it for me though. The sex scene is hilarious.

Simon, I hadn’t heard of this series until last year either. I was shocked to discover a book I’d never heard of ranked as 2nd most reviewed behind Harry Potter, so looked it up. I think the reason it passed us by was because it was really big 15 years ago and we were probably too young to get caught up in it all then.

So many people adore this book. I like romance novels, so I did read it a while back, figuring I’d love it (so much so that I still have book 2 in the series). I didn’t, though I liked it after a while. I too had problems with Claire’s adjustment period. I couldn’t believe she’d just forget her husband that quickly, and I didn’t see what everyone loved so much about Jamie. I kind of wish I’d had the abridged audiobook myself; it just went on and on and on!

Meghan, It is good to know that I’m not alone! I would be devastated if I thought I could never see my husband again, but I’m not sure she even cried. She had forgotten about him and found herself a new husband within a few days – shocking!

I’m not sure I’d recommend the abridged audio book, but this book could do with a lot of editing. I bet you were pleased that you made it to the end!

Actually, I think this part may probably be explained by the fact that she has been separated from her husband by the war as Claire had been a nurse (they just recently got back together if I remember correctly) so theoretically they weren’t that used to being near each other lately. Other than that I too was a bit amazed by Claire’s lack of concern for Frank at the time 🙂

Kay, I thought that anyone who had experienced separation would be even more aware of how much it hurts to be without their partner. Even if she didn’t have a strong bond with Frank, what about her family, her friends, everything else in her life? It just didn’t make sense to me.

That sex scene is hilarious! I love the use of ‘ye’!!!
I had never heard of this before either and I can’t say I’ll be rushing out to buy a copy! I don’t think I’m missing much!

Rachel, ‘ye’ wasn’t the worst of it! I have actually had an amusing morning flicking through the last half of the book to see what I missed and discovering even more weird Scottish dialect. I don’t think you’re missing anything!

FleurFisher, It is so good to know I’m not alone! I have never heard a bad word said against this book before, so was surprised to see that it had so many failings. It is a shame, as it is a good premise.

When I first picked it up, I abandoned it after about 200 pages or so. I just couldn’t adjust to the sex stuff in there I guess. But the second time I picked it up I decided to treat it as a light, historical romance book, entertaining, trivial and fun and knew not to expect any special literary achievement. With that attitude it worked and I found myself enjoying it for what it was.

Lilly, I don’t mind it if the book isn’t literary, but it was just so unrealistic and I was so bored with it. I’m pleased that you enjoyed it though – most people did!

Ahaha! That sex scene is HILARIOUS. I’ve only ever heard good things about this series. I actually entered a giveaway for all the books in the series recently (and WON) so I’ll be reading at least the first book fairly soon. I’m quite interested now that I have a different opinion balancing out all of the praise.

I’m not big on romance novels, so I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t care for it and didn’t finish it. But it’s nice to know I’m not the only one! The main thing that was driving me crazy was the Scottish accents, which I think was down to my being American and not being able to hear the dialect as it was written. (If that makes sense.) Sounds like it was just poorly done though.

Jenny, I thought that Americans might find the accent OK, as you might not know how it it supposed to sound, but I thought it was terrible. I think you should be proud of yourself for spotting a dodgy accent!

Well, I just I will step up and be the odd man out and say that I love this series. I have listened to the first five on unabridged audio (no, there is no music at all!), and have gotten completely swept away by it. At this point, I am so invested in the characters, I am having trouble imagining what isn’t to like about Claire, who is a strong, independant ball-buster, and Jamie, who is fierce, passionate and loyal. But those characteristics are ones that I’ve become acquainted with over about 200 audio discs. Did I have that impression after the first book? I might have had a hint, but I’m not sure.

Yes, there is a huge amount of sex in all the books. There was actually a moment in the third or fourth book where I actually had to pull off the road while listening. It was just a body part short of porn. But this has never bothered me. It is kind of funny, at this point, that the two can still find creative ways to turn each other on.

I will say that despite everything I love about the books, there is an insane amount of detail. In one sense, it is wonderful because you literally LIVE through the battles, the history, the day-to-day lifestyle of the Highlander people. But 200 audio discs, and I still have two more books to read? It is a marathon that not everyone would want to embark upon.

We will just agree to disagree on this one. You either love the series or you hate it, I guess!

Sandy, I knew that you loved this series, so was disappointed that I didn’t enjoy it very much. Don’t worry – you are in the majority. 95% of people on Amazon LOVE it!!

It is interesting that you have the impression that you didn’t love it as much after reading just one book, and that you have fallen in love with Claire over several books. I don’t see Claire as independant and ballsy – she just seemed to be swept along by events for most of this book and didn’t do anything I thought of as particulary brave/clever.

I’m not bothered by the amount of sex in the book. I don’t mind it if it is tastefully done and relevant to the plot (as in Clan of the Cave Bear) but the sex in these books was just weird.

I am amazed at how many people have come out as saying they didn’t enjoy this book – I thought I was alone in the blogging world! It does seem to divide people – I hope that you enjoy the rest of the series!

I guess I did like the first book enough to take on this humongous commitment. But just like with real people, you really get to know the characters after spending some much darned time with them. Trust me, Claire is just full of it. She will tell off anyone out of line, even a king. She will murder someone to protect her family. She will lay out a suffering villager on the dining room table in the middle of a dinner party and perform a hernia surgery, if necessary. I’m in awe of her character, despite her need for kinky erotica with Jamie!

Sandy, I’ll take your word for it! I am shocked that no one else is coming out to support you in their love for this book. I was convinced that everyone loved it. Hopefully a few people will come to back you up soon!

Is this what I’ve been missing by not reading this book—LOL?

I’m not much for a book with romance in it period, never mind, these passages you quoted…I also have difficulty with audio books read by people with accents foreign to me–very tough to understand and enjoy. sorry this seemed disappointing .

diane, I don’t think you’d have a problem understanding the accent in this book. It isn’t very strong – it is easily understandable, but packed with annoying words. Perhaps it is one you should aviod though!

I’ve only heard of this series once, I can’t remember where. I looked up some summaries on Wikipedia but it just didn’t seem like me — I’m not a big historical fiction or romance reader myself.

That sex scene is hilarious! You’re totally right — umbilical cord and womb are words that should just not be in that all. It’s awkward.

Kim, I quite like historical fiction, although I’m less of a romance fan. For me to enjoy it I need it to be tender and realitic – this book was neither.

I can’t imagine anyone finding the thought of the word umbilical cord attractive – it brings up terrible images of blood and gunge to me – not things to think about during sex.

I agree COMPLETELY with your review! I don’t understand the fuss about this series. I also could not comprehend Claire’s recation after being shuttled back through time. It was completely unrealistic and I was unable to empathize with her as a character. And the sex scenes made me cringe.

I found the book entertaining enough and a few months after I read it, I went ahead and read the second book in the series. It wasn’t any better so I have never gone on to the rest of the series.

Yikes! I have heard about this series, but I always suspected that it was smutty pap masquerading as acceptable fiction under the guise of it being historical. I am confident I wouldn’t make it very far into this one, but thanks for posting that terrible sex writing to seal the deal. I think it’s probably very difficult to write about sex in a way that isn’t awkward and awful… clearly this author hasn’t managed it!

Sorry this one was wretched, but thanks for taking the bullet here!

I was working in a public library in NZ when this series was at its popularity peak. There were huge waiting lists for each volume and people loved them. I tried reading the first volume so that I could discuss them with the customers, but couldn’t get past the first chapter. It wasn’t the sex or the anachronisms but the sheer bad writing that did me in. What a mass of verbiage, padding, overwriting, whatever you want to call it. Life is too short!

Judith, Thank you for commenting on my blog for the first time! I agree with you – the writing was terrible – the number of similies drove me mad too! I’m sorry you weren’t able to discuss these books with your customers, but I agree – life is too short!

Well, you just made me stop feeling bad I haven’t read this one, since it seems everyone did – and loved it 🙂 Not sure I’ll bother now.

Weird sex, well, what you wrote above is not nearly as weird as some of the sex scenes I’ve read in Laurell K. Hamilton’s series about faerie princess Merry Gentry! LOL!!

That scene just seems… creepy. I don’t know, like horror movie creepy. :/ I feel like I’ve seen these books in Borders, and they are HUGE, as in physically huge. I couldn’t imagine.

Sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy it. I finally bought a copy of it last week and was really looking forward to reading it since so many have raved on their blogs about it. Your review does give me pause for a moment. I checked out a bunch of books from the library last week too and need to read those first so maybe it is okay that I wait just a little longer to pick this one up!

Kathleen, Sorry to break the magic build up for this book – I had only seen positive reviews for this one too. I am very surprised by the response that this post has got. I’ll be interested to find out what you think about it. Enjoy!

I love this series! And while I’m surprised by all the people who have said they don’t like it, I’m most surprised by the lack of people who have said they do like it.

Yes, there is a lot of detail and a lot of sex in the books, but that has never bothered me. I also understand your comments about Claire not really missing Frank, but if you’ve just spent years seperated from your husband it’s a little different than a normal loving relationship.

This series isn’t for everyone, but it will always be a favorite of mine.

Thanks, Melissa. Even though I KNOW there are people out there that love the series, I was wondering where they went, leaving me here flapping in the wind. And you are right, there are many things about the circumstances with Claire’s husband Frank that come forth even in the second or third book. Gabaldon releases this information in small doses, but it all becomes very clear eventually. You just have to trust there are reasons for everything.

Melissa, I am shocked that there are not more people defending Outlander here. I really thought that everyone loved it. I have seen so many posts in praise of Outlander. Hopefully a few more fans will come to support this book soon!

anothercookiecrumbles, I think you’re too young to have heard of it. This book was massive about 15 years ago, so I hadn’t heard of it until recently either. I don’t think you’d enjoy it though, so probably best to avoid it!

I was starting to wonder if I was the only person ot there who didn’t like this book. I suspect the main reason there’s been nothing but good buzz about the series lately is because there’s a new book out and the people who’ve held on long enough to care clearly like the series. Those of us who gave up halfway through this book (I skimmed to the end) just haven’t been talking about it.

I normally love books about time travel, and I love historical fiction, so I thought this series would be just right for me, but I agree with everyone else here who’s complained about the icky sex and Claire’s ease adjusting and lack of concern for Frank. I don’t see that anyone’s mentioned the extremely violent sex. Descriptions of rape or even of kinky violent sex won’t necessarily put me off a book, but Outlander crossed some lines I’d just as soon not see crossed, even in a guilty pleasure sort of read.

Teresa, You are right about the positive buzz surrounding the release of the latest book – that was why I decided to pick it up in the first place, but I guess those who didn’t enjoy it didn’t want to rain on the excitement of others.

I don’t remember any violent sex in the book, so I assume it was cut from the abridged audio. Thanks for bringing that up though – I didn’t realise it crossed that line too.

I’m one of the rabid Outlander fans – have read the entire series twice – and am now on my third go-through on audio. The sex does become a bit much, but I love the characters, so I’m willing to overlook it. I loved the series from the very first – and loved the characters from the beginning.

I’d say if you didn’t like the character of Clare in the first book you should skip the rest – you probably won’t like them any better.

And I promise not to hold it against you! 🙂

Carrie, Thank you for coming to defend the book – I was sure that there would be more people out there who loved it! Sorry for not liking one of your favourites!

I’ve never read any of the Outlander books, and I have no plans to, mostly because I have no desire to get caught up in a series that appears to have no end. I will confess to reading the synopsis on Wikipedia…and that was enough for me.

softdrink, I don’t mind reading series with no end – as long as the books are good I’m willing to wait. I love the fact you read the synopsis – if I know I don’t want to read the book I’ll sometimes do that too!

I tried to read one of this author’s books in the past and couldn’t even get half way through – I can’t even remember what it was about – the experience was that painful I’ve blocked it out of my mind!

Karen, It must have been this one, as I don’t think you’d have started in the middle of the series and I’m not sure she’s written anything else. Sorry to remind you of your terrible reading experience!

I’m with Sandy, I love this series. I love Claire, Jamie and the adventure. One thing about Claire, for me, was that she was/is coming from the 1940’s which is different than if she had to adjust from today. I went to a signing with Diana Gabaldon and that was a deliberate choice so that the transition would not be so shocking (I’m sure there were other reasons, but that’s what I took from what she said).
And I love Jamie.
It’s too bad it didn’t work for you. My only complaint is that it can have too many details, but I look forward to spending time with Claire and Jamie with every book.

Stacy, I would love to hear Gabaldon talk about her books. I imagine that she would be really interesting. I can see that the lack of technology would make it easier to leave the 1940s, but that doesn’t explain her lack of sadness at leaving her friends/family.

I wasn’t a big fan of Jamie, but perhaps his character improves over the rest of the series. Thank you for coming to the books defence!

“but his presence within me was solid and intimate, a fixed point in a watery world, like an umbilical cord in the random driftings of the womb”

lol, I don’t think I have read a worst sex scene.

I’m sorry you didn’t like the book, but I like romance and i usually don’t tend to analyze it much, I still might give this book a try, the only thing that’s holding me back is the length.

Violet, I have never read a worse sex scene before! I listened to it on the audio book and couldn’t believe what I was hearing, so went to find the passage in the book. I was shocked!

I think you may enjoy this book, but it is long, so you need to prepare yourself!

I admit that I didn’t read through all 60+ comments. But I love the series. The abridged audio was not read by the WONDERFUL Davina Porter. I read and listened to all of the books (still listening to the latest one). Can’t say why, but I love them. Apparently I’m not that concerned with the details of Claire’s adjustment period. This is the only romance series I have ever liked and stuck with. Go figure. Good thing there are a zillion books out there for everyone’s taste.

Beth, I am sure the different narrator has a big affect on the enjoyment of listening to the audio book, but I don’t think the narrator was the problem in this case – she did an excellent job, but it was ruined by the annoying music that was put over her voice.

I haven’t really read many romance series, but I loved Virginia Andrews when I was younger. It wasn’t the romance that put me off this book, so I would be happy to try others.

I also love this series! It’s most definitely not perfect and not for everyone, but for me it worked and I got totally hooked right in the beginning. 🙂 I think both Claire and Jamie are great, and so is also their relationship.

I’m not sure, though, what to think about the series just continuing. Around books 4-5 it started to feel like Gabaldon was just going on although it would have been time to stop already. All characters have been in some kind of danger and rescued so many times that I don’t know how many ideas for new threats Gabaldon can possibly have left! 😀

But I’m still hooked. I haven’t read the newest book yet because I’m waiting for the Finnish translation, but I absolutely want to know what will happen to those people.

Satu, Thank you for coming to the defence of these books! It is nice to hear why people love them, but I understand that some series don’t know when to stop. It can get frustrating when the same things start to happen again and again. I hope that you get the Finnish translation soon, and that it is worth the wait!

I loved this series at first, but then I had to stop reading by the third book. I couldn’t stomach any more of the non-stop horrible – told in great detail – things that happened to the characters.

I can’t remember the sex scenes. Go figure.

Sharon, Sorry to hear that the details got too much for you. I didn’t think the first book contained much graphic violence, so the rest of the series must have got much worse. I think I’d be put off by the violence more than the sex, so understand your problem with it.

Hi — I love this series!! I’ve read them all, including the latest one. I love the concept of time travel and the details of life in the 1700’s. I love the characters of Claire and Jamie. I love the humor in the books as well. Yes, they are long and detailed. Yes, the sex scenes can be somewhat – well – bizarre at times. Yes, sometimes things are far-fetched (e.g. Jamie’s “second sight”) but this is a book about time travel, so I was already suspending belief. When I read these books I have almost a compulsion to find out what happens to the characters. I also am always asking myself, “Could I have survived in the 1700’s?” (probably not for long). My complaint about the latest book, though, (SPOILER ALERT) is that it leaves everyone hanging at the end and I have to wait a long time for the next tome to be released so I can see what happens to the characters!!

Beth, Tha you for explaining why you love this series so much. I’m sure you could survive in the 1700s – it would just take you longer than 10 minutes to get used to it!

I just wanted to add my vote, I read these books when they first came out, The first was the best for me, back then I wasn’t reading much new fiction, and the whole romance and sex made me want to read more. I think it was the fantasy that drew me in. What kept me most interested was the historical detail. I read the first few rapidly in paperback, but once there was a wait for the new one I gave up. I have fond memories of Claire and Jamie.

Carolyn, There is some nice historical detail in this book, but not enough to entertain me! It is interesting to see that people have such different opinions of this book.

I’m years late to this blog. I first read Outlander about 20 yrs ago, loved it, and read the rest of the series as the books came out. I’ve even reread them but only skimmed because they are so long and detailed. I liked the detail when I was younger but now feel Gabaldon overwrites. I prefer brief, well-chosen descriptions to add flavor and atmosphere. Gabaldon’s characters and plots are interesting but often bog down in endless, meandering and sometimes boring detail. She tries too hard with odd analogies that miss the mark for me.

Agree with other posts about the descriptions of sex. Some are sweet and tender and hot but much of it is not very good. I’m sure it’s hard to keep sex scenes fresh and exciting. Might be better to imply then cut it short instead of dragging it out. But still, as someone upthread pointed out, it’s not nearly as bad as Laurell K. Hamilton.

I wasn’t bothered by Claire’s transition to 1743. Her parents died when she was 5 and she grew up living all over the world with her archaeologist uncle. She married quite young and I think Frank was about 15 yrs older. WWII came along within a year and they were separated for 6 yrs. (England was at war 3 yrs before the U.S.) All that plus the trauma of going through the stones and the immediate danger in 1743 means Claire was disoriented and in shock and yet because of her war experience was able to react and carry on in a seemingly impossible situation. English stiff upper lip and all that. Plus people in 1945 were different – more stoic, less emotional, just doing what had to be done. Perhaps Gabaldon could have explained better to make it more believable.

In rereading, I noticed irritating characteristics of Claire, Jamie and others that Gabaldon stresses too much. Maybe it’s an attempt in each book to give a thumbnail sketch of characters. Trying to make the dialogue too colorful is also annoying as it leads to overuse of some words and phrases.

I admire Gabaldon’s research but it’s taken over the later books especially. She seems to shoehorn in every fact and obscure piece of info she comes across. I’d happily settle for shorter books with less time between publication. Gabaldon and George R R Martin are in competition for which one can take the most years to release the next book in their popular series.

All this makes it sound as if I don’t really like the Outlander series very much which isn’t true. I recognize the faults but I think it’s remarkable overall.

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