
September Summary and Plans for October

September was a very slow reading month for me. I had several weekends away and I was so busy with various other projects that the month just flew by. I only managed to finish 9 books, which I think is a record low for me. I did manage to get a fair way through a few chunksters though, so hopefully my October tally will be larger.

Book of the Month

Books Reviewed in September:

Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro

Bad Karma – David Safier 

Young Hitler – Claus Hant 

Palace Walk – Naguib Mahfouz 

C – Tom McCarthy 

Choo Woo – Lloyd Jones 

Forgetting Zoë – Ray Robinson 

The Elephant’s Journey – José Saramago 

In a Strange Room – Damon Galgut 

Corrag – Susan Fletcher 

The Finkler Question – Howard Jacobson   (DNF)

Waiting for Columbus – Thomas Trofimuk   (DNF)


Plans for October

I failed to make much of an indent on my September plans and so most have the books have been transferred straight from that list to this one:

Tinkers – Paul Harding

Solo – Rana Dasgupta

Stonehenge: A Novel of 2000 BC – Bernard Cornwall

Paprika – Yasutaka Tsutsui

Wolf Totem – Jiang Rong

All My Friends are Superheroes – Andrew Kaufman

Stone in a Landslide – Muriel Barbal

I plan to join My Friend Amy’s Lonesome Dove readalong. I’ve had this chunkster on my shelf for far too long so it will be really nice to share the reading experience with lots of other bloggers. 

I’m also currently working my way through The Dark Side of Love which is 800+ pages long. It is fantastic so far, but its length means that it will dominate my October reading.

On top of these I will also be working my way through a few more of Richard and Judy’s book choices.

There is no way I’ll be able to complete all these books in October, but I’ll have fun trying. I better get back to the reading……

37 replies on “September Summary and Plans for October”

Looks like quite a good lot of reading actually in September 🙂 Mine mostly consisted of children’s books…

You are still more productive than I am. It took me over TWO WEEKS to read Peyton Place, which wasn’t even 400 pages long! I am just too frantic and too distracted. That Lonesome Dove readalong was tempting…I have heard a number of people whose opinions I trust that it is one of the best books they’ve ever read. I am going to be joining Frances in reading Doctor Zhivago, which I’m very excited about.

I read 9 books this month too. That is pretty typical for me though, and possibly even a little better than usual. I will be interested to see how you like Tinkers. I have had no desire at all to read it, but you could always change my mind I suppose!

12 books in a month is a great feat! I look forward to hear about : Paprika – Yasutaka Tsutsui and Wolf Totem – Jiang Rong. I have just finished TsuTsui’s The Maid, I thought his book are nice and light read.

Happy October Jackie!

Hi Jackie,
Nine used to be my favorite number but can never seem to reach it in any given month so now I’m shooting for eight. If you can complete 9 books in a month you ARE a worthy reader!
Hope you like Tinkers, I didn’t care for it, but one of the more literate ladies in our book club “loved it,” her highest praise, so perhaps I should try again. Wasn’t feeling well when I read it, maybe it was the timing. This month, we’re reading the Cellist of Sarejevo, will let you all know what she, we, I think of it.
We pick apples over here on this side of the pond in October in New England and spend lots of time cleaning, cooking and preserving them. Does that cut into your reading time there too? Susan

SEY, I wish I could say that I’d been kept from reading by the apples, but sadly that isn’t the case. I feel I have been preparing apples all month, but I’ve actually only made a few cakes. I still have a massive amount of apple preserving to do 🙁

I enjoyed Cellist of Sarajevo, but wish it had focused on fewer characters. It would make a great book club read so I’m sure you’ll have a good discussion.

PBurt, Thanks for commenting on my blog for the first time. I don’t like reading two similar books in a row so I tend to have fairly eclectic taste. I hope you decide to stick around and share your bookish thoughts 🙂

I always come away from your blog feeling slightly guilty about my reading habits. I just did three books in September, and I was feeling bad enough about that to begin with…

Loved Never Let Me Go, which is the only book from the September list that I’ve read. I do want to read C, but I just want to get away from the Booker stuff for the time-being. I will regret it, specially if C does end up being the winner, but I just want to read some of the older books for the time being, if you know what I mean? Got Suite Francaise, Kavalier & Clay, The Namesake on the cards – don’t know how many I will finish, but… let’s see how it goes, and roll with it!

anothercookiecrumbles, Don’t feel guilty! Remember I don’t have a full time job to eat into my reading/blogging time.

I loved Kavalier and Clay and am interested in reading the other books you mention. I think you’ll have a fantastic reading month with that selection!

Wow, nine books is really good! I only read never Let me Go from your list but so many that I want to read 🙂 Looking forward to reading your thoughts about Paprika, I’ve been anting to try one of his books. Happy reading in October!

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