Sorry for my unannounced disappearance and the guest post from my husband. I expected to be able to continue blogging as normal, but we didn’t even have mobile phone reception, let alone WI-FI or 3G coverage in our holiday home.
Anglesey is a beautiful island off the north coast of Wales. I had a good week there with my extended family, but it was exhausting so I’m pleased to be back home with my husband. Here are a few photos to show what I got up to.
I didn’t manage to get much reading done as I was too tired to concentrate on anything too complex, but I did manage to finish Acts of Violence and The Very Thought of You. I got most of the way through Blueeyedboy
too. A week of non-posting means that I now have several reviews stacked up, so it is going to be a bit busier than normal here over the next few weeks.
UK Blogger Meet up
Yesterday I had a lovely evening with many UK bloggers. It was good to meet the people behind the blogs and to be able to talk about books all night. My wish-list is even longer now – that passion for books is even more powerful face-to-face! Thank you to Simon for organising it – I hope we can do it again some time.
Plans for Today
For the rest of the day I plan to relax and enjoy the last few pages of The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet. I hope you have all had a wonderful week and I look forward to catching up with your blogs over the next few days.
50 replies on “I’m Back!”
Looks like a beautiful place, thanks for posting the pictures. I’m glad you got a nice vacation in, but am even more glad to see you back 🙂
Amy, Thanks for the kind words.
I’m glad you had a nice vacation! I’ll be in London for 2 weeks this summer and am SO looking forward to it! Your photos look like so many I have from over the years of us visiting castles; I get a warm feeling thinking of my time with family in Britain and am now even more excited for my trip in June!
Helen, I hope that you have a wonderful trip to London. I’m sure you’ll be able to find lots of castles to visit 🙂
I know castles and castle ruins are all over the place in the U.K. but I’m still a little jealous of your trip. I love castle ruins.
And the blogger meet up sounds like lots of fun. I’d love to go to one here in California sometime. I fear the U.S. is just too big to really pull off a U.S. blogger meet up, though.
cbjames, I love castles too 🙂 There aren’t many as well preserved as the one I went to, so it was a nice treat for me too.
I hope you manage to find a few Californian bloggers to meet soon – it is always good to meet people with a passion for books.
Glad you had a good trip and sorry not to see you yesterday!
Verity, I’m sorry I didn’t meet you too – I was looking forward to it. I hope we can arrange something else soon.
Welcome back! The pictures are beautiful!
rhapsodyinbooks, Thanks!
Welcome back! What a gorgeous spot you visited. I envy your David Mitchell reading today – oh, how I covet that book!!! Can’t wait to see your thoughts on it.
Wendy, The Mitchell is wonderful – I’m sure you’ll love it!
Welcome back Jackie. I look forward to hear more about your book-blogger-meet-up!
Louise, I’m afraid there isn’t much more to tell about the blogger meet up. We all had a great chat, but it doesn’t really translate to a good blog post. We discussed books we’d read and found out a little bit more about each other. Sorry to disappoint 🙁
Looks like you had a lovely week away, Jackie! Glad you’re back but I’m glad you had a nice break! Your pictures are wonderful!
Thanks Steph!
You shouldn’t apologize for being away, I’m sure your break was well-deserved and enjoyable! And hey, I guess most of us liked reading a guest post from your husband, it was a nice surprise ;).
Very lovely pictures! I have to admit I’m always a little jealous when I see pictures of anywhere in the UK, because me and my boyfriend have been wanting to visit for years, but we never get around to it because of schedules and deadlines, etc.
I heard a lot of bloggers mention the meet-up and it sounds like you had a nice time 🙂
I’ll be looking forward to the extra posts these week 🙂
Iris, My husband loved it too! He was very excited to get some comments.
I hope that you manage your trip to the UK at some point – I’m sure you’d have a wonderful time.
Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed your vacation! Those pictures are gorgeous! 🙂
Thanks Corrine!
Welcome back Jackie; lovely photos. Sounds great that you were able to meet other UK bloggers.
diane, Meeting other bloggers is always good – i highly recommend it!
Jackie, it was so lovely to meet you yesterday! I loved our book-fulled chats too – you’re right that the passion is just as strong face-to-face! I love meeting people who “get” my addiction 😉
Love your photos of Angelssey; it looks like you had a wonderful time. I lived in North Wales for a time and had to go to Angelssey a few times for work and loved it there.
The Book Whisperer, Part of me wishes I was making notes wbout all those book recommendations, but I think I’m quite glad only a few have stuck – buying all those recommendations could have got very expensive for me!
Glad you had a lovely time Jackie, I totally forgot to ask you about it yesterday! Great piccies 🙂
Novel Insights, Don’t worry – time was short and it was nice to stick to talking about the books. Hope you have a lovely week!
Glad you’re back, Jackie! Looks like you had a marvelous time.
Thanks JoAnn!
Beautiful castle! Glad you had a nice time. Sometimes not reading is a good idea, it makes it exciting again.
Charlie, It has made blogging more exciting too! It has made me realise how much I love it.
What a gorgeous place! Don’t you love castles?
Lydia, I do! Especially when my boys get really excited!
Funny how holiday can be exhausting. It defeats the purpose of going on vacation, don’t you think? 😉 Awesome castles. I don’t think I’ve ever been to real life castles before! (I don’t count Disney’s castle :D)
mee, I find looking after the boys away from home very tiring. A holiday for me is when someone else helps to look after them!
Welcome back!
I’d love to visit that castle! Glad you had a wonderful time!
Thanks Melody!
looks like you had a good time on your holiday ,stu
Stujallen, It is nice to be back to the blogging!
We all need vacations sometime … and I never even think of trying to blog on them (even if I could.) How neat that you got to meet other UK book bloggers!
Jenners, I would never blog on a real holiday, this was more seeing family in a different place. I planned to blog less than normal, but it would have been nice to keep in touch with blogging whilst I was away. Hopefully I’ll get that proper holiday sometime in the summer!
What a beautiful part of the world you visited. Funny, we recently had a holiday with our wee children and my husb and I felt we needed a holiday to recover from the holiday…
Merenia, Imagine how much more of a holiday you’d have needed if your husband wasn’t there – I think all holidays with little children should be followed by a weekend break for just the adults!
Great place, nice photos. Glad you had fun and are now relaxed.
Violet, Thanks Violet!
I’d say it in Welsh, but since I don’t know any words past Croeso, welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your family vacation on Anglesey. Beaumaris castle looks just like I remembered it. Hope you are having fun relaxing and getting back into reading and blogging.
Mome Rath, Bonus points for recognising the castle! I don’t know much Welsh either, so I’m quite pleased you stuck to the English 🙂
Sounds like you had a good time.
Looks and sounds like your holiday was wonderful. Glad you enjoyed some time away.
I love the pictures of the castle! I often find that I don’t read as much as I think I will when I vacation. Too many other things to keep me busy and then usually exhausted at night from all the fun during the day!
Love the pictures. Meet ups look like great fun. So far I’ve only met one local blogger, but we’ve been able to get together a few times. Isn’t it great to put a face and voice to the blog?