Congratulations to Beth who left my 10,000th comment! A £20 Amazon voucher will be in your inbox soon.
A few people were wondering how quickly I built up the comments on my blog, so I decided to produce this graph to show you how the number of comments I’ve received each month has grown:
The big dip in October 2009 is due to my holiday and things have quietened down over Christmas, but hopefully they’ll pick up again in the New Year. As you can see I was blogging for several months before I started to receive more than a handful of comments.
While I was studying my comment data I decided to highlight my wonderful, regular commenters. I was amazed at just how many comments some of you have left.
Top 10 Commenters on Farm Lane Books Sep 2008 – Jan 2010
- Sandy 348
- Beth 263
- Claire 251
- Simon 181
- Violet 156
- Steph 121
- Rebecca 101
- Diane 85
- Jenners 82
- Kimbofo 81
Thank you so much to everyone in the above list and anyone who has ever left a comment here. I appreciate every single comment I receive.
Do you encourage comments on your blog, or are they just an added bonus?
Do you enjoy reading comments on other people’s blogs, or just your own?
38 replies on “10,000 Comments!”
Wow!!! Thanks so much. I’m so excited. I have a ways to go to catch up to Sandy in the chattiness department! But I love your blog and am a faithful reader.
Congrats on hitting 10K comments and I’m so glad to helped you get there.
Beth, Sandy is a star! It just shows why she won the commenter award at BBAW. You are doing a more than fantastic job though – I see your thoughtful comments all over the blogosphere. You are a worthy winner! Thank you!
I wish Blogger had a way of tracking comments…
Amanda, I think there is a way – I’ll look into it for you.
That must have taken some analysis Jackie. I like the way you encourage comments with questions at the end of each post – and some excellent discussions have grown out of that. I always enjoy reading comments – on my own and others’ blogs, from regulars and new visitors – hopefully some of whom become regulars. Keep it up – well done!
Annabel, Thank you for the kind words! The comment analysis didn’t take that long – once I’d exported them all into excel it was quite easy to sort them all and graph them. It was lovely looking back at some of the older ones too. I look forward to many more discussions on both your blog and mine!
Congratulations on the 10k!
I do like receiving comments on my blog, but, the reason I started blogging was just to write about books. I love writing. I love books. It made sense at the time! In fact, I think ’twas you who had the first three comments on my blog, so thanks for that 🙂
I do like reading comments on blogs I frequent, and tend to subscribe to them. However, sometimes, I find it difficult to keep on top of blog posts, comments, and my own blog. Time management isn’t one of my stronger qualities.
anothercookiecrumbles, I’m amazed that I left the first three comments on your blog – I don’t remember discovering you at all!
I know what you mean about not having enough time for everything – I don’t think it is a time management issue – there just aren’t enough hours in the day!
By the way, find it interesting that you have 64 categories/185 tags. Out of curiosity, how do you distinguish between the two?
For me, it’s 184 categories vs. 181 tags, and I’m still not sure I’ve got my logic there right, so am always wondering how others manage theirs!
anothercookiecrumbles, My tags/categories aren’t perfect and I do need to change them a lot, but the categories are the ones you see in the sidebar (genre, publication date and a lot of junk that needs deleting!)
Tabs are more specific – for example if you click on a Japanese book then you should see the Japanese tab at the bottom of the post, which will take you to all other Japanese books.
Congratulations to Beth! That’s fitting seeing as she’s one of your prolific commenters. I’m a little surprised to see as I’m third as I’ve not been commenting a lot (on any blogs) of late although your blog among another half dozen is one I’ve ensured I’ve kept up with. I’ll post more about this next week but time management has been an issue of late and my blog as well as reading others have suffered whilst I work on things behind the scenes; as a direct correlation, I have received less comments myself and whilst it’s not the reason I blog, it does sadden me. Hopefully once things are back to normal the comments will come in again and I’ll return to commenting on others’ blogs more regularly; I’m not alone with December and January being quiet months.
Claire, I am pleased that one of the prolific commenters won – I was rooting for you too!
It is always hard to keep up with blogging/commenting and I have recently found it harder to keep up with all the blogs I follow. I have had to prioritise a lot, which you won’t notice, as you are a priority!!
Doing behind the scenes work on your blog is so time consuming and it is surprising how long the simplest thing can take. I look forward to seeing what you’ve been up to!
Aw thanks, but I need a £20 Amazon voucher like I need a hole in the back of my head! Would still have been nice though (the former)… New books are so difficult to resist.
I am so glad that I am one of your priorities as you are likewise for me; I have actually noticed that you are less prolific around the blogosphere but the same goes for myself and a few others.
I am hoping to share my blog work at the end of the month so stay tuned! I’ll hopefully get on top of things around the same time.
Claire, I’m hoping that now the snow has gone and all the excitement of Christmas is over things can get back to normal. I think almost everyone has found it hard to keep up with things in the past few months, so I try not to worry about it too much.
Way to go Beth! I guess based on those commenting stats, the odds were in our favor! I’m actually kind of embarrassed at these numbers. You’d think I just sat around and yakked to Jackie all day! I’m interested to find out if there is a way to get this info in Blogger.
Sandy, Don’t be embarrased – I love you for it! Thank you for all your wonderful comments!
I love reading other people’s comments on the blogs I read, especially when it’s a book that I’ve read too. I think it’s so cool to see what various people’s favorite parts and characters were – wish I had time to read all the comments more often.
Jenny, I tend to only read the comments if I’ve read the book. I do love discussing those things too. Comments are great!
Congrats to Beth! And I can’t believe I’ve left 81 comments on your blog, Jackie. You’ve left 43 on mine! 😉
kimbofo, Sorry for slacking! Thank you for all the comments – I’ll leave a few more on yours in the coming months!
Congrats to Beth!
I love getting comments on my posts. It’s like getting a discussion going, or just a casual conversation with someone. But then again, I rarely ask questions at the end of my posts to encourage comments. I think the way you do it is very effective. =)
I love reading comments on other blogs as well. Especially when it’s on a topic that’s really interesting, sometimes we can even see a discussion brewing! Which is great.
Michelle, Asking questions does seem to have a big effect on the number and quality of comments left. I look forward to many more discussions with you in the future.
i like comments on my blog maybe should encourage people to more
Stujallen, Encouraging has a big effect. Good luck!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jackie Bailey, Frank Cook. Frank Cook said: 10, 0000 Comments! – Farm Lane Books Blog […]
Well done Jackie. We know how much work you put into this and this is a big milestone. We are very proud of you and heres to the next 10000
Thank you!
Congrats on 10,000 comments! It totally does not surprise me that Sandy is your top commenter. She rocks!!
Natasha, Thank you! I agree – Sandy is amazing!
You write lovely and informative posts so congratulations on the milestone! I’m usually a lurker. 🙂 But free giveaways do entice me out.
I’m not fussed with comments on my own blog but they are nice sometimes.
Mae, Thank you for de-lurking! It is always nice to know who is out there reading my posts!
Wow, Jackie, that’s impressive going, and a testament to the uncanny mix of intelligent, informative and friendly that you achieve in your posts. I love reading the comments on other people’s blogs – it was comments here that first drew me to your blog from twitter (and the content that kept me coming back). It depends a lot on the kind of post, of course – some posts are great for sparking interesting commenst because they’re about a topic you love – in which case you read the comments to meet people who share your interests. In other cases, if the topic is controversial, say, you will get involved in a debate. And no, I never encourage comments on my blog – that would seem to be rather rude of me 🙂
Dan, Thank you for the kind words. I hope you find many more posts that interest you here in the future.
Congrats on your comments! 😀
I love receiving comments too, but sadly I don’t take enough time to get back to my commenters (that’s something I want to change in 2010). I think they are really important, so I can understand why you’re proud of those 😀
Congrats to Beth!
I echo the others: how good it’d be if Blogger could track the no. of comments for us.
Congrats to Beth! She is a great commenter so I’m not surprised she won. And I do love getting comments but tend not to read them on other blogs unless the topic warrants it … there just isn’t enough time!
Congrats! And I love that your Mum and Dad left their congratulations too. So sweet!
Congrats! I love comments because they foster discussion. And that’s the whole point of a book blog right? 🙂