This weeks Weekly Geeks task is to interview our favourite character from a book.
There are lots of characters I’d like to interview, but it would give away too much of the plot to those people who haven’t read the book. So I decided on my favourite children’s character – The Gruffalo.
I love The Gruffalo, and the sequel The Gruffalo’s Child. If you haven’t read them, then you should really try to have a look at a copy (or buy one for any toddlers you have in the family). They are the cleverest picture books I have ever seen.
- Are you really scared of the mouse?
When I was younger I was really scared of the mouse, but now I’m older I realise how clever that little mouse is, and we just tell the story to our children so that they don’t wander off into the dangerous wood. - Do you have a favourite book?
Gruffalo can’t read. We love telling stories to each other though. Our favourite stories are ones about our clever ancestors, and how we tricked other animals into getting what we want. - What is your favourite food?
I’d love to say mouse ice cream, but really we just eat nuts and berries. - How many Gruffalo are there?
I don’t know. There are lots of us, but we’re very hard to find, as we are very good at hiding.
I think I’ll stop there! I feel really silly doing this – it was great to give it a try though. I look forward to seeing what all the other ‘weekly geekers’ have come up with!
20 replies on “Weekly Geeks – An Interview with the Gruffalo”
That is such a neat and funny interview. I think that’s the whole purpose of the idea, it’s supposed to be a little silly, I like silly 🙂
very creative. You have given me an idea but not quite sure what I’m going to do yet.
Cute interview! It’s good to be silly now and then, don’t you think?
Loved it!
Nothing silly about it. Sems so normal for a Gruffalo!
Here is mine
This was cute! I sure miss reading to my babies/toddlers/preschoolers. My last baby, (#4) is 13 years oldd and doesn’t appreciate picture books anymore.
Anyway, I am sick in bed with a stuffy head and was thinking I didn’t have it in me to be too creative with this and that maybe I would pass on this week’s fun, but maybe doing a favorite children’s book might be right up my alley!
Thanks for sharing…
Oh it was so short! I really loved it and I hope I can find the time to do the Weekly Geek interview myself!
Oh, we love the Gruffalo. Super idea to interview him, but I know how you feel. I think I’ll give this week a pass. Loved your interview, even though it was a short one.
I loved this, and wished you’d kept going! Never heard of the Gruffalo, what a cutie.
Oh this is lovely Jackie! I will read it to my 5 year old in the morning.
Brilliant. I am now trying to imagine how a creature with purple prickles all over his back and orange eyes manages to hide! Lol. I love these books.
Not silly at all. It is quite difficult to get into a character and I think you’ve done well
That’s so cute! I bet my kids would love him! 😀
this was super cute and funny. I am however a little scared of mouse ice cream
What a fun interview. It didn’t seem silly at all. I am going to see if my four-year-old granddaughter is familiar with the Gruffalos. I’m always looking for good toddler books.
Totally adorable idea! My kids are past this stage, but I will look and see if the kids’ library carries it in their E section!
I wish it went on longer, Jackie! But then again, it’s a nice bite-sized interview; A fun dessert after reading Kerrie’s longer interview. Enjoyed myself 🙂
What a nice and positive post 🙂
Silly is a very good thing! I love how many of us went with children’s characters.
Cute! I couldn’t think of anything to do this week, but a children’s character would have been a great idea!
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