Dovegreyreader is encouraging everyone to join her in tackling Ulysses. I’m afraid that I cannot resist these joint reads, and so have decided to read along.
We are only planning to read two pages a day, which sounds really easy. I have signed up to DailyLit, who send you an email each day with the next installment of the book. I received my first two pages of the book this morning, and was impressed with how quick and easy it was to read them. I think this is a great way to tackle those daunting classics.
Dovegreyreader is going to host a discussion on the 16th of every month.
Do you fancy joining us?
Have you ever read Ulysses?
Am I mad?!
9 replies on “Ulysses Read Along”
I haven’t read Ulysses, but considering I have yet to get more than ten pages into 2666, I think I’m going to have to sit this one out.
Wow, you’ve started already?! I’m taking part but I haven’t even contemplated starting yet.
Christina – LOL!! I think Ulysses is going to be a lot tougher than 2666. Are you still planning to read 2666?
Claire – I’ve only read the first two pages! I did that just to check I could mange to get through them before committing to doing the read along. I’m pleased you are joining in too!
I’m afraid you may be mad. 😉
I was just wondering if someone would start of Ulysses read-a-long soon. I think I’m going to stick to one at a time for now myself. Tale of Genji is going to take a while.
I am one episode away from finishing Ulysses. I have been posting my thoughts on the book each Saturday and will be posting again later today.
I saw the post on dovegreyreader and wanted to join, but I promised myself not to join any reading challenges for next year because I would like to go absolutely stress- and challenge-free next year! I’m pushing myself this year as a trial only. I really miss reading on a whim. However, I will be following you all along as I might read along but with no real commitment. Good luck!
I could totally read two pages a day. Am very seriously considering it!
CBJames – The Genji readalong will be finished in a few months, leaving you plenty of time to catch up with Ulysses, which doesn’t finish until this time next year!!
pussreboots – Great! I’ll have a look for your posts.
Claire – I’m not going to be signing up to many chaleenges next year, but I love read alongs, so will join all that interest me!
megan – Give it a try!!It only takes a few minutes each day!
I dug mine out this morning! It is looking at me with evil intent… or is that just my imagination?