Book Blogger Appreciation Week is an amazing project designed to honour those producing the best blogs, but we all have different favourites, so I’d like to take this oppurtunity to show you who I think deserves recognition!
Today is designed to honour those who weren’t shortlisted in any of the BBAW categories, so if you were shortlisted CONGRATULATIONS!, but I’m afraid you won’t feature below!
Best Literary Fiction Review Blog: The Mookse and the Gripes
Trevor probably doesn’t even know I follow him, as I don’t comment very often, but I am continually impressed by his insight into the books he has read. If you are looking for a literary fiction blog then his is the best in the world!
Best General Review Blog: Another Cookie Crumbles
I love reading Another Cookie Crumbles. Each review is well written and there is a great diversity of content. The perfect book blog!
Best Commentator: Violet
Violet is one of my loyal followers and I always look forward to receiving her comments. Thank you so much!
Best Collaborative Blog: Steph & Tony Investigate
I love reading Steph & Tony’s blog. It is packed with thoughtful reviews and I love the fact they blog together. I wish my husband would write on my blog!
Best Published Author Blog: Chris Cleave
I loved reading The Other Hand and his posts are just as witty and informative. Go and have a look!
Best UK Book Blog: Savidge Reads
Simon’s posts are the perfect blend of bookish talk and personal information. I have recently been lucky enough to join his book group in London, so now we can talk about books in person. I love Simon’s blog!
Best New Blog: Paperback Reader
Claire only started blogging in February, but you’d never know. Her posts are always interesting to read – there isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t go and leave a comment. Fantastic!
Best REALLY New Blog: Passionate Book Lover
Andreea has only been blogging for a few weeks, but she has had an amazing start. It took me weeks to get my first comment, but she had 13 on her first post! Outstanding!
Best Event: Kim’s Blog Improvement Project
The blog improvement project has been incredibly useful to me. I have discovered lots of great hints and tips for improving my blog. Kim is so helpful and encouraging, I think that everyone could benefit from joining this project, to improve their blog one step at a time. Thank you Kim!
I love lots of blogs and I’m sorry if I didn’t mention you, but please remember that if I love your blog I will comment on it!
I hope you enjoy Book Blogging Appreciation Week and you manage to find lots more great blogs to enjoy!
74 replies on “My Favourite Book Blogs!”
yay, thanks for the link. I love commenting on your blog 🙂
Violet, I love commenting on yours too!
Great post, Jackie!
I’ve a hard time writing for this post because I’ve too many favourite blogs that didn’t make the shortlists.
Melody, I struggled too! It was very hard to narrow it down and I missed out a lot of my favourites. I love your blog and will show it with comments!
Thank you, Jackie! I’m off now to check out the other blogs you mention (the ones I don’t already follow).
Claire, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the ones I’ve highlighted. They are all great!
It wasn’t easy trying to decide how many blogs to spotlight, or even which blogs to choose!
Interesting list here!
Marg, I know! It was so hard! I hope you find a few new blogs to enjoy!
This is great! Simon is actually the only one I know, so I’m going to have to do some exploring later this morning, once I get my kids to school. Thanks for the list!
Sandy, You are in for a treat! I am sure you will love them and I know you will be adding some to your google reader. Enjoy your exploring!
It is so difficult to choose. I had a tough time deciding.
BBAW: My very own shortlist
gautami, You have a great list too! It is so hard to decide, who to highlight, but I think it is important for us to do it. I discovered a few new ones thanks to your list!
Some excellent choices, Jackie!
Nymeth, Thank you! I think we have similar blogging taste!
There are some ‘new to me’ blogs here – but I hope to rectify that this week.
I have you a shout out today 🙂
Enjoy BBAW!
Molly, Thank you for the mention! Have a great BBAW!
Thanks very much for that Jackie that’s very, very kind. I might have to do a blog about blogs in the near future, just need to get some sensation stuff out the way. I am really touched you popped me on there. It’s a pleasure ebing able to meet up in the flesh too at Book Group and you know I love your blog as keep popping back!
Simon, I agree – it is so nice that we have been able to meet up. Blogging seems so impersonal sometimes, so your book group has been a wonderful way to meet other bloggers/book lovers.
Many of these are new to me. Thank you so much for bringing them to our attention!
Lezlie, Have fun browsing the new blogs!
Great list! There are two new to me blogs, so I’m off to check them out.
Beth, I hope you like them as much as I do!
Wow! So many great new-to-me blogs – thanks for the intro, Jackie!
Yes, Kim’s Blog Improvement Project is spectacular – she puts so much effort into each, researching the specific piece each week attacks.
Dawn, I hope you enjoy all the new blogs!
I love the way you categorized all of the blogs. And many of them are blogs I’ve never seen before, so I’m excited to look into some new blogs.
Stephanie, I hope you find some amazing new blogs. I have found some great ones this morning. BBAW is wonderful!
Thanks for mentioning the Blog Improvement Project! I feel like I haven’t quite given it the attention it deserves all the time, but it’s been a great lesson. I’m not sure what the plan is for next year yet, but the archives with posts and links will be up for a long time as a resource for people that want to look back at it 🙂
Kim, I was going to ask you about next year. In some ways it would be great to carry on, but in others in seems like a great project for those who are new to blogging and it might need to get a bit technical to help those who have been doing the project for a year already. I look forward to finding out what you decide to do. It has been wonderful though – thank you!
Thanks so much for the blog love, Jackie! You know that you’re one of my favorite blogs out there – I admire how you’re able to convey your thoughts on books so succinctly, and you always give me a really clear idea of whether I’d be interested in trying a book or not. Sometimes you pan a book that I think I might like to try, but I think this demonstrates how fair and accessible your reviews are. You really give your readers a good idea of the novel in question so that we can decide for ourselves whether it is worth our time!
Steph, Thank you for your kind words. Your reviews are always so wonderful – it is great to see that lots of people are giving you blog love today!
visiting from the BBAW site. Thanks.
Heather, Thank you for stopping by!
Great new blogs, I look forward to get to know them 🙂
Louise, I’m sure you’ll love them all!
Great Blog!! I found you from someone else’s blog recommendation and I love your blog. I also checked out all your recommendation and added quite a few of them. Thanks, I am really going to love this week. What a great Birthday WEEk!!!
Rebecca, Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. Is it your birthday this week? If so, Happy birthday! I’m so pleased to hear that you like my recommendations. Which books caught your attention?
Thanks so much for the mention. I’m incredibly touched, and kind-of proud! 🙂
I haven’t seen a couple of the others, so I’m off to check them out.
Thanks again!
anothercookiecrumbles, No problem – you deserve it! I hope you have lots of lovely new followers now.
Thank you 🙂
Great choices!! Thank you so much for sharing these picks. I’m happy I found you through BBAW. 🙂
Online Publicist
Lisa, Thank you for commenting for the first time. I’m pleased you like my blog!
I was glad to see you mention the Blog Improvement Project, too. (And I’m not just saying that because Kim so kindly featured my blog, among others, today!) And I’d like to say that you’re so quick at spotting new posts this afternoon that you found your Splash award at my place before I could even get over here and tell you about it! How do you do it?
Jeanne, Sorry for spotting things so quickly! I have links to my blog set up as a feed in my google reader, so any link pops up straight away. It is very useful for findingg out who is talking about you!
Ooh, how do you do that, Jackie? Not that many people would be talking about me but you never know! This is why you feature on lists today/yesterday: you are a fountain of blog information! Thank you.
That’s a great list Jackie! I mentioned yours in mine.
J.T. Thank you for mentioning me. I am feeling very special today. Everyone has been so lovely.
Ooooh, great list – lots of blogs I’ve yet to encounter that sound really interesting. Can you hear my Google Reader groaning? 😉
Megan, Mine is groaning too! I have added lots of great blogs to my reader today.
This is a great list of blogs and you explained your reasons for choosing the blog so clearly. I will be leaving here shortly to start visiting them! But I wanted to say that I think you have a fantastic blog. I only discovered it recently through Sandy at You GOTTA read this, maybe? sheesh I don’t remember , sorry, but I very happy I did! I haven’t commented yet and I’m sorry about that. I am a little slow at acclimating :o)
Take care & thank you!
Amy, Thank you! Sandy is one of my favourite bloggers, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you found your way here from there. Either way – welcome! I hope you enjoy reading about all th ebooks here.
I thought for sure you would be shortlisted somewhere – your blog is terrific. and I only know a few of the blogs you highlight here (I totally agree about Kim and Violet!) Great post here – these are so fun to read.
Care, Thank you! Maybe next year?!
Ummmmm…13 comments on her first post??? Wow! I’m impressed. I’m going to have to check these out … my Google Reader is exploding already and it is only day 1.
Jenners, I was so impressed I had to highlight her. I don’t think I had 13 comments in my first month!
I found you on several other lists, I’m looking forward to reading your posts!
Kim, Welcome! I hope you like what you find. I’m off to have a quick look at your blog.
What a nice write up. There are so many wonderful blogs that I haven’t heard of until this week. I look forward to reading your blog this year, too.
Leterate Housewife, I hope you like the blogs I’ve highlighted. I love them all!
I’ve loved looking at everyone’s lists today because I’m realizing just how many blogs are out there. I don’t recognize any of these (except Kim’s Improvement, of course). Thanks for sharing with us Jackie!
Trish, I have added lots of new blogs to my reader. I’m not sure how I’m going to cope with them all.
Great list! I look forward to checking them out. I love the new look, btw.Very modern.
Nicole, Thank you for mentioning me. I’m pleased you like the new look!
What a great list! There are some new-to-me blogs here – I’ll definitely be checking them out!
Belle, I hope you find some new favourites!
I have seen your blog name come up again and again today on the BBAW recognition lists. Had to stop by and see you for myself. 🙂
Congratulations – there are many bloggers out there who enjoy your reviews, because of them…. I am here too.
Sheila, Thank you! I was overwhelmed by the number of people who highlighted me. I’m still on a high! I hope you like it here.
Great list, more has been added to my reader! 🙂
Joanna, I’m pleased you liked them!
What a fine post, and I like your systematic approach 😀
Dorte, Thank you!
Jackie, thanks so much for the kind and generous words! I am touched and humbled. It’s true that I didn’t know you followed my blog much, but I too am particularly guilty of not commenting these days — so many wonderful blogs to follow!
What awonderful list – added to my reading fodder!
Thank you so much for mentioning me. That’s so kind of you:) That’s a great list with so many wonderful blogs!
Oooooh I see Violet here. She’s really cool. I love it when she visits my blog!