In the third week of the Blog Improvement Project. We were challenged to add ten different types of post to our blog. I’m really happy, because I managed to do it. I have created a poll here, so that you can let me know which of my post types you liked the best. It would be really helpful to know which are the most popular, so I can concentrate on them in the future. Thank you!
I’ve completed Blog Post Bingo!
- A Link Post – share a series of links your readers might find interesting
Links to book related news this week.
- A Short Post – less than 200 words
I just included a picture of me and my little boy in the snow.
- A List Post – simple as it sounds, a list of some sort
A list of 10 blogs with great layouts.
- An Opinion Post – take an event, news, or another blog post and share your opinion on it
For Friday 13th I wrote a short post about my superstitions.
- A Poll or Question Post – post a poll or ask your readers a specific question for feedback
As well as my ususal weekly ‘Can you judge a book by it’s cover?‘ quiz. I have also added a poll, so you can let me know which of these post types you prefer.
- A How-To Post – You’re an expert in something; big or small, share how to do it
I wrote a guide on how to search for books on the Internet.
- A Long Post – more than 700 words
My Weekly Geek look at different book covers is more than 700 words long. You can read it here.
- A Review Post – self-explanatory, I think
With all the other posting I didn’t have much time for book reviews, but I did manage to squeeze a review of David Ebershoff’s 19th Wife in here.
- A Definition Post – show your expertise about a topic related to your blog
I’d never heard of a BLOOK before. Have you?
- FREE SPACE – a type of post of your choice (that is not the same as one of the previous posts)
I interviewed Sandy from You’ve Gotta Read This.
This has been a real challenge for me. I have enjoyed researching all the different posting types, and will make sure that I include more in future, but it has been very time consuming, and I haven’t been able to read as much as I’d like, so I’m off to read a good book!
9 replies on “I’ve completed Blog Post Bingo!”
I just finished mine too and came over to see yours. I am very impressed. I like the way you added the poll into this post. I also like the way you laid out your post. It was easy to read and move around in. Good job. I’ve enjoyed doing this project also. It was fun to actually see if I could do it.
– you have some great posts. I enjoyed your list post for example.
Yay! You did it! You worked very hard at it too. I am impressed with your diligence!
Way to go!! I’m so impressed with you all who managed all 10 posts.
No wonder we haven’t spoken on the phone this week.
How have you found the time to do all these Blogs and look after the boys.
Will speak to you tomorrow
All our love
I am also very impressed and while I haven’t had the time to read through all of your BIP-posts for this round, I have checked out some of them, and what stands out is how well written they all are.
I also like the clean look of your blog.
I am constantly switching between wanting a clean blog (like the one I have now) or to go completely overboard and buy something really fancy with loads of ribbons and things and stuff like you can see for instance in Blogger Boutique ( and such places. But then again I am not the cutey-cute type and I don’t think images like my fried pork image and stuff like that match with a cutey-design either. But sometimes I want one of those scrap-book like blogs with cake creations and such. Not that I bake many cakes, but you know what I mean. Its so pleasing to the eye, some of those blogs.
Have a great Sunday 🙂
Lou – Thank you for your great comments! I had a quick look at blogger boutique (I’d never heard of it before) and they are very cute designs! I like the clean look though – as you can tell from my blog! I’d spend too much time admiring the moving images and flowers if I had something like that!
That is quite the accomplishment Jackie! Congratulations!